New mum catches her own bowel and intestines after caesarian scar splits open

Sam Bell holding Chloe next to son Mitchell Terman and partner Matt Terman (Picture: SWNS)
A new mother who had a caesarian section had to catch her own bowel and intestines when her surgical scar reopened.
Sam Bell left hospital three days after giving birth to daughter Chloe and a couple of days after that the midwife removed her bead stitch.
But when she went to stand up at her home in Liphook, Hampshire, she felt her jeans sticking to her body then when she opened them her insides fell out.
It took 40 minutes for an ambulance to get to her so she was worried that more might fall out.

Sam’s staples after her second visit to the hospital
She said: ‘It was quite tough because I was crying but trying not to cry because I didn’t know how much else could come out of me.
After having 20 staples put in she spent another four days in hospital.
A spokesperson for St Hellier’s hospital said: ‘We offer our full and sincerest apologies to Ms Bell for what must have been a very distressing experience.
‘Immediately following this incident, a full review and investigation was launched.