22 Yard/Garage Sale Signs That Are Advertising Gold
Spring cleaning season is upon us, which means many of us are ready to kick a few possession to the curb. Yard/garden sales can be a great environment to find treasures for your home and can be a great way to de-junk while earning some cash.
All you need to do is throw a few quick signs up, a price tag here and there and wait for the people to roll in. What if no one shows? Apart from the bargain hunters and seasoned yard-salers, you’re just not getting the attention you had hoped for. It could all come down to your marketing! Try what these people did and use a clever sign to bring home the big money.
1. Cause we fancy like that.

via reddit/u/the_real_chrisfarley
2. It looks like one of those cheap guy’s girlfriends.

via reddit/u/Apecks
3. Probably not but let’s check it out.

via reddit/u/iamjoeyjojo3
4. Tell me more about this ‘crap’.

via reddit/u/frenchie73
5. Just like him.
via reddit/u/ronsharon

via reddit/u/SudoJustin
7. Went for the minimalist look, heard it’s in these days.

via reddit/u/shan3isg0d
8. Shocker -_-
via reddit/u/
9. No sale, just want to show off my garage, head this way!

via reddit/u/needdavr
10. Hey girl…
11. LOL Fabio.

via OKC-Craiglist
12. Here in the future, nothing is free.

via reddit/u/DontWantToSeeYourCat
13. I’m sorry but Beyonce had the best garage sale of all time.

via reddit/u/swordgoatz
14. Just buy it all okay? Or we rage.

via reddit/u/dpkonofa
15. “Free beer for the broken hearted” Oh

via imgur
16. I’d like to by a vowel, wait, wrong game.

via reddit/u/brillosmith
17. You’ll thave a bundle!

via reddit/u/John_Styles
18. “No I’m batman” I’m batman, batman sounds like this.
via reddit/u/50ShadesofYay
19. Thrifty, thrifty, thriftay.

via reddit/u/cdent
20. Well boo to them, ooh chips!

via OKC-Craiglist
21. ‘merica

via reddit/u/
22. Ugh…

via reddit/u/freddith_
Some of these marketing strategies may spill over into the realm of over-kill. But hey, throw enough sh*t at the wall and y’know something will stick.
If you’re gonna make a sign, it may as well be an impactful one. We hope this article has given you a few ideas for when the time is right to de-clutter your crib.