20 Texts That Require No Response

1. This terrifying realization about (Super)man’s best friend:

This terrifying realization about (Super)man's best friend:
ID: 7588618

2. This amateur fromagelier looking for some reccomendations:

This amateur fromagelier looking for some reccomendations:
ID: 7588624

3. This pickup artist who’s more of a letdown artist:

This pickup artist who's more of a letdown artist:
ID: 7588629

4. This level of commitment to the pettiest of insults:

This level of commitment to the pettiest of insults:
ID: 7588638

5. This plaintive call for help:

This plaintive call for help:
ID: 7588642

6. This stunningly bleak observation on life:

This stunningly bleak observation on life:
ID: 7588644

7. This anatomical impossibility:

This anatomical impossibility:
ID: 7588688

8. This friend with a poor grasp of euphemism:

This friend with a poor grasp of euphemism:
ID: 7588691

9. This parental claim to superhuman powers:

This parental claim to superhuman powers:
ID: 7588692

10. This seafood lover who just won’t let it go:

This seafood lover who just won't let it go:
ID: 7588696

11. This would-be pickup artist:

This would-be pickup artist:
ID: 7588699

12. This guy, who is either a genius or a poet, or more likely has never used a keyboard before:

This guy, who is either a genius or a poet, or more likely has never used a keyboard before:
ID: 7588701

13. This request that they’ll both regret later:

This request that they'll both regret later:
ID: 7588704

14. This rebuke:

This rebuke:
ID: 7588708

15. This accidentally spot-on assessment:

This accidentally spot-on assessment:
ID: 7588711

16. This outcome we can all agree was correct:

This outcome we can all agree was correct:
ID: 7588713

17. This piece of information that they maybe should have kept to themselves:

This piece of information that they maybe should have kept to themselves:
ID: 7588718

18. This small but significant typo:

This small but significant typo:
ID: 7588747

19. This disturbingly threatening use of dressing:

This disturbingly threatening use of dressing:
ID: 7588749

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20. And this extremely good call:

And this extremely good call:
ID: 7588744

ID: 7589869