10 tips to help you find a boyfriend by Valentine’s Day
Try some of these ideas to get chatting to meet Mr Right (Picture: Dmitry-Fisher)
Sure, it’s not long until Valentine’s Day, but all is not lost if you’re single.
You still have time to bag yourself a man by February 14.
I have plenty of slightly eccentric and unique ideas that can get you noticed and, hopefully, line you up with a new fella.
Warning: you may need some confidence to pull a few of these off.
1. While waiting in a queue at the coffee shop, ask the guy in front of you how he takes his coffee.
Then explain you needed to know for your date next week.
2. Head to the local park with your dog and wander around for a few hours looking cute.
Allow your dog to interact with others and, well, their handsome owner may be single.
Start that conversation up now!
Disclosure: only do this if you have a dog. Otherwise you’re just a stranger wandering round a park, alone. Not cool.
Woman’s best friend when it comes to meeting men (Picture: Alex Marcano)
3. Join a jogging team – this is a no brainer.
You get to mix with other men who are into their healthy lifestyle and you get to burn calories while eyeing up the guys as they run.
4. Send the same generic private message to various single guys on your Facebook list asking them out for drinks.
The law of averages states that at least one will message you back with a ‘sure’. Bingo.
Facebook, you are my friend (Picture: AndreyPopov)
5. Go to any gym and use a bad boy guess pass to spy on hot men.
Most men love a gym session and if you’re there swaying their vision off the weights, you’re bound to bag at least one number and potential dinner date.
6. Go watch an ice hockey match. The room is filled with so much testosterone you’ve got the ‘puck’ of the lot.
And if it doesn’t work, at least you get to oogle guys like these (Picture: Reuters)
7. Send out a SOS tweet calling all #single men for a potential date.
If you don’t get a response, you can simply delete the next day and pretend someone stole your phone. Shame free.
8. Ride the circle line a few times until a hot guy gets on your carriage, then proceed to slip your number to him as you step off at whatever stop you fancy.
If he gets off before you, well you’ve messed that one right up.
Get down on the underground (Picture: Dominic Lipinski/PA)
9. Shout loudly in the local pub that you just wish you had a date for Valentine’s Day. Whichever guy looks over, he’s your man.
10. Book a table at a fancy restaurant for the 14th, then sit and wait patiently for a man to come strolling in and look around the room.
Wave and beckon him over, then pretend you’re the blind date he’s been set up on.
Yeah, risky one this one. Only the brave-hearted need give it a go!
Good luck my single friends, go forth and bag the boy for Valentine’s Day.